作者:我是大哥大 | 2020-12-22 11:17:20
{02}、bad girl
{05}、lonely person
{06}、material gir
{07}、so hot
{13}、so long
{17}、nothing left
{21}、wait for
{23}、feel me
{25}、care who
{29}、old flame
{37}、i never left
{38}、just do it
{40}、eyes smile
{01}、i will shine.[我会发光]
{02}、outlaws of love爱的囚徒
{05}、caged bird笼中鸟
{06}、初雪 surname@
{07}、a pipe dream。白日梦
{15}、not guess。猜不透
{18}、child heart。虐心
{19}、相守 sunset
{20}、bohemian life
{21}、small greedy小贪心
{22}、pandoraルo 潘朵拉
{23}、don't forget me别忘记我
{27}、just a kiss只是一个吻
{28}、the third。第三者
{29}、not a hero。配角
{30}、feel for others 将心比心
{31}、trapped beat困兽
{32}、i love you so deep我爱你爱得那么深
{33}、温流 warm sunshine
{35}、dream about you梦见你
{36}、not to awake。不愿清醒
{38}、give me some love给我一些爱
{39}、still my heart
{40}、live through。淡看
{41}、the debt situation情债
{42}、heby azure海比天蓝
{02}、care who
{03}、see through
{05}、in heaven
{06}、eyes smile
{15}、i never left
{16}、old flame
{21}、just do it
{22}、lonely person
{23}、so long
{24}、you left me
{25}、material gir
{29}、like the blue
{30}、so hot
{34}、nothing left
{37}、wait for
{39}、empty heart
{40}、feel me
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