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作者:西门酱 | 2020-12-15 14:56:19


Want‘爱尔兰的规格”‖ Want‘艾菲尔的格调”

Sigh ‖ Joke

Foll to him‖ Foll to she

Hesitate ‖ Hesitation

Sunshine ‖ Sunflower

Meet ‖ Fell in love

If you come back ‖ If l Still here

浅笑° Sunshin ‖ 明眸° Sunshine

Green tea°绿茶 ‖ Red wine°红酒

roaming ‖ universe

☀Sunlight阳光 ‖ ☾Moonlight月亮

他是super man ‖ 她是super girl

Overdose,中毒 ‖ Overdose,上瘾

▲温瞳°Sadness ‖ ▲刺心°Treasus

☼ Your Sun! ‖ ☪ Your Moon!

海岸线coastline ‖ 地平线 horizon

Then goodbye ‖ Do not see again

Stars ‖ Moon

爱或毁 Extreme ‖ 恨或厌 Extreme

余存° d3sTiny- ‖ 温存° d3sTiny-

人情味 Humane※ ‖ 半颗心 Broken※

温柔cc - yok1 ‖ 柔情cc - yok1

ゆ、 流苏 Forget。 ‖ ゆ、 褐瞳 Cutey。

Tout-An.诺尘. ‖ Tout-An.诺粞

Have you now、陪伴 ‖ Have you now、疼爱

Small Teenager ‖ Small mushroom cool

Oxygen ‖ Anoxia

North harbor ‖ South Bay

Sunny°刺眼 ‖ Rainy°伤情

刺心°2Amor ‖ 温瞳°2Amor

demon°若相随 ‖ angel°若相惜

半岛旧情 Hr2u° ‖ 余温重顾 Hr2u°

Iris ‖ Lancome

Always in his heart ‖ Settle in her heart

Decease ‖ Revive

Flies ‖ Wasted

Guy dream ‖ Of love

Cool heart ‖ Cool feeling

Incubus ‖ Smile

All say he like a dream ‖ All say she devour dream

idiot ‖ A fool

Princess ‖ Knight

moon ‖ sun

Deep memory ‖ Shallow sea carp

写意 ﹏Zionye ‖ 唁情 ﹏Domlon

小淡定、Calm ‖ 小激动、Calm

厮守 Print li ‖ 相守 Print li°

夜色的朦胧,love ‖ 醉眼的迷蒙,love

暖色 cheeks -◢ ‖ 冷色 cheeks


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